Ford transit van switch panel

For a short while we had a transit van (aka the red turd). Apart from being unreliable pile of………(and breath)... it was quite high at the back. Instead of jumping up and down to get into the back to reach the switches for external and internal lights as well as the park anywhere lights.

Near the base of the pillar for the rear doors there is a nice big hole for getting access to the rear hinges which is about waist height. That would be a great place to mount some switches but you can be certain that they will getting kicked.

The solution is a switch panel where the toggle switches are recessed so they are below the surface.

Due to the shape of it this anyway it is on the build plate will result in lots of support material. To make it easier to print the model is split in two halves which can then be bolted back together with heat set inserts and some M3 bolts.

Printed in PETG on the Prusa Mk3

A wee gallery of it below