How to get a 3D print done

If you have come here and have not got a clue about 3D printing then I’m going to suggest you go back to the intro to 3D printing HERE

It will take you through various thoughts and ideas about 3D printing

Steps in getting something 3D printed

The steps below are not unique to barras 3D they can be used by any 3D printing service, nor are they unique to 3D printing

Define the need

  • What you want to achieve?

    • This is the first step in the process and is one of the most important as having a clear picture of what you want to achieve will guide us towards a correct solution. This can be from as complex as a fully engineered solution down to me simply providing a 3D printing service

  • What materials?

    • After you have decided what you want to achieve the next step is to refine this a bit by asking

    • Strength

      • How strong do you need the part as different materials and different processes can give you different strength. Most 3D prints that Barras 3D produce just now will be some form of plastic but these can be plenty strong enough in many applications. Hopefully metal is part of the future plan

    • Temps

      • How hot will the part get in normal use as some 3D printing materials are more temperature resistant than others. Anything over 100C is heading into expensive and difficult materials.

    • Chemicals

      • This can be ordinary chemicals like cleaning solutions down to more aggressive chemicals like acids and solvents

  • Get a 3D model

    • Download one

      • You can go to many of the 3D printing websites and simply download a model these range from useful models to 3D printed landfill and then there is the simply un-printable models as the designer hasn’t a clue about 3D printers




    • 3D scan

      • A 3D scan can is a good first step in getting a 3D print done, but it is rarely the magic bullet of to scan something and to then to print a replacement like some magical photocopier. It can be a very good first step to allow a digital model to be made.

    • Get a model made

      • This is the most likely way togo as then I can build a model to solve your problem. And solving a problem is why you came to us in the first place.

3D printing costs

There is three basic stages to getting a 3D print done which add towards the final cost

  • Stage 1 :- Is preparing for the print  an hourly cost at £30 an hour

    • Getting the 3D model this can be downloading one through to a full design service

    • Slicing the model in the software so it can be printed, normally this is minutes and I ignore the cost

  • Stage  2:- Is print time and materials

    • 3D printing is not a fast process so I charge £1 an hour which accounts for maintenance, energy and capital

    • Most 3D printing materials aren’t overly expensive at about £40 a kilo

    • You might need additional parts such as bearings, heat set insets, bolting. This is charged at cost plus 10%

  • Stage 3:- Post print processing

    • When a 3D print is complete this can be as simple as quick inspect and chuck in a box. But it can be through to full assembly of the final product. An hourly cost of £30 an hour

Let’s work together

After reading the above then that should give you an idea of why I am asking the questions below.

The fields I need are your name, e-mail and a brief overview of your project. The other fields are there to both give me info AND more importantly to start you thinking about it.

Once i’ve got this then we can have a chat either in person or digitally and we can work towards the solution